

A WASM library containing utilities for working with JavaScript modules.


An online and local tool to lint packaging errros and ensure compatibility across different environments.


A Svelte preprocessor that converts dimension bindings to use ResizeObserver.


A Vite plugin to show a QR Code on server start to be scanned by mobile devices.


A Vite plugin to separate importing modules for the client and server.


A Svelte preprocessor that allows importing assets through <img src="...">.

Svelte Router

A simple router for Svelte single-page apps. Supports hash and path-based navigations.


A zero-dependencies color blindness simulation library. Transforms RGB colors to simulate color blindness.

Pick Palette

A feature-packed color palette manager built with Svelte.

Tailwind Color Generator

A simple app to quickly generate color palette for Tailwind usage. Includes 100 - 900 shades for primary, info, warning, success, danger and gray colors.


A progressive web app to schedule my classes and other routine activities. No login required as it uses web storage. It works offline as well.

Release for Reddit

A GitHub Action to automate submitting a release post on Reddit. This was my second submission for GitHub Hackathon.

Substitute String

A GitHub Action to easily substitute strings using YAML. This was my first submission for GitHub Hackathon.

Cheetah Job Sheet

A job sheet management interface to plan and keep track of employees' daily tasks.


A todo app built with PostgreSQL, Express and Nuxt. It offers custom email authentication and simple todo management.

Material Shadow Preview

An app to visualize Material Design elevations (shadows) and dynamically generate its CSS.

LuaTween for Rainmeter

A Lua library for Rainmeter to easily tween meters and measures. It uses tween.lua, a Lua tweening library to bind into usage in Rainmeter.